OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

To Rotate an Image Interactively

  1. Using the Element Selection tool, select the image you want to move or choose the image from the list in the Raster Manager dialog.
  2. From the Raster Manager dialog's Edit menu, select Transform.
  3. In the Transform tool, select Anchor Point.
  4. With a data point, identify the anchor point along the image's border.

    The anchor displays on the selected corner.

  5. In the Transform tool, select Rotate.
  6. Place a data point on the image's contour and move the cursor.

    A rubberband interactively displays to show the position of the image.

  7. Place a data point to complete the rotation at the desired position.

    The image is interactively repositioned.

  8. Reset to deselect the image.

    Rotating the image (left) and the new position of the raster image (right)